Source code for solidbyte.deploy

""" Ethereum deployment functionality """
import inspect
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, List, Dict, Set
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
from pathlib import Path
from attrdict import AttrDict
from ..compile.linker import bytecode_link_defs
from ..compile.artifacts import artifacts
from ..common import (
from ..common.exceptions import AccountError, DeploymentError
from ..common.logging import getLogger
from ..common.web3 import web3c
from ..common.metafile import MetaFile
from ..common.networks import NetworksYML
from .objects import Contract, ContractDependencyTree

log = getLogger(__name__)

# Typing
T = Union[Any, None]
PS = Union[Path, str]
MultiDict = Union[AttrDict, dict]

def get_latest_from_deployed(deployed_instances: MultiDict, deployed_hash: str) -> MultiDict:
    """ Quick filter function to pull the deployed instance from deployedInstances from a metafaile.

    :param deployed_instances: (:code:`dict`) The deployedInstances from a metafile contract
    :param deployed_hash: (:code:`str`) A deployedHash from that same object
    if deployed_instances is None or deployed_hash is None:
        return None
    return list(filter(lambda x: x['hash'] == deployed_hash, deployed_instances))[0]

[docs]class Deployer: """ The big ugly black box of an object that handles deployment in one giant muddy process but it tries to be useful to various parts of the system and represent the current state of the entire project's deployments. The primary purpose of this object is to know if a deployment is necessary, and to handle the deployment of all contracts if necessary. Example: .. code-block:: python from solidbyte.deploy import Deployer d = Deployer('test', '0xdeadbeef00000000000000000000000000000000', Path('/path/to/my/project')) assert d.check_needs_deploy() == True d.deploy() """
[docs] def __init__(self, network_name: str, account: str = None, project_dir: PS = None): """ Initialize the Deployer. Get it juiced up. Make the machine shudder. :param network_name: (:code:`str`) The name of of the network, as defined in networks.yml. :param account: (:code:`str`) The address of the account to deploy with. :param project_dir: (:code:`Path`/:code:`str`) The project directory, if not pwd. """ self._deploy_scripts: List = [] self.network_name = network_name self.deptree: Optional[ContractDependencyTree] = None self.project_dir = to_path_or_cwd(project_dir) self.contracts_dir = self.project_dir.joinpath('contracts') self.deploy_dir = self.project_dir.joinpath('deploy') self.builddir = builddir(self.project_dir) self._contracts = AttrDict() self._artifacts = AttrDict() self.web3 = web3c.get_web3(network_name) self.network_id = or # yml = NetworksYML(project_dir=self.project_dir) # if yml.is_eth_tester(network_name): # self.metafile: MetaFile = MetaFile(project_dir=project_dir, read_only=True) # else: self.metafile: MetaFile = MetaFile(project_dir=project_dir) self.account = None self._init_account(account, fail_on_error=False) if not self.contracts_dir.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("contracts directory does not exist")
[docs] def get_artifacts(self, force: bool = False) -> AttrDict: """ Returns the ABI and Bytecode artifacts, generated from the build direcotry. :param force: (:code:`bool`) Force load, don't just rely on cached dicts. :returns: (:code:`AttrDict`) An AttrDict representing all available contracts """ # Load only if necessary or forced if force is False and len(self._artifacts) > 0: return self._artifacts # Load the artifacts facts = artifacts(project_dir=self.project_dir) if not facts: # Reset self._artifacts = AttrDict() else: # Convert to dict self._artifacts = { x for x in facts} return self._artifacts
artifacts = property(get_artifacts) @property def deployed_contracts(self) -> List[Dict[str, T]]: """ Contracts from MetaFile """ return self.metafile.get_all_contracts()
[docs] def get_contracts(self, force: bool = False): """ Returns instantiated Contract objects to provide to the deploy scripts. :param force: (:code:`bool`) Force load, don't just rely on cached data. """ if force is False and len(self._contracts) > 0: return self._contracts if not self.account: self._init_account(fail_on_error=False) self._contracts = AttrDict() for key in self.artifacts.keys(): self._contracts[key] = Contract( name=key, network_name=self.network_name, from_account=self.account, metafile=self.metafile, web3=self.web3, ) return self._contracts
contracts = property(get_contracts)
[docs] def refresh(self, force: bool = True) -> None: """ Return the available kwargs to give to user scripts :param force: (:code:`bool`) Don't rely on cache and reload everything. """ self.get_artifacts(force=force) self.get_contracts(force=force) self.deployed_contracts
[docs] def contracts_to_deploy(self) -> Set[str]: """ Return a Set of contract names that need deployment """ self._build_dependency_tree() needs_deploy: Set = set() """ Iterate through the contracts, see if they need to deploy. If they do, make sure to check the dependency tree to se if others need to be deployed that are linked to it. This way, if a library changes, anything that has it as a dependent will be deployed as well. """ for name, contract in self.contracts.items(): newest_bytecode = self.artifacts[name].bytecode if not newest_bytecode: log.warning("Contract {} bytecode artifact not found. This is normal for an " "interface.".format(name)) else: if contract.check_needs_deployment(newest_bytecode): needs_deploy.add(name) assert self.deptree, "Invalid dependency tree. This is probably a bug." el, _ = self.deptree.search_tree( if el and el.has_dependencies(): needs_deploy.update({ for x in el.get_dependencies()}) log.debug("Contracts that need to be re-deployed: {}".format(needs_deploy)) return needs_deploy
[docs] def check_needs_deploy(self, name: str = None) -> bool: """ Check if any contracts need to be deployed :param name: (:code:`str`) The name of a contract if checking a specific. :returns: (:code:`bool`) if deployment is required """ if name is not None and not self.artifacts.get(name): raise FileNotFoundError("Unknown contract: {}".format(name)) # If we don't know about the contract from the metafile, it needs deploy if name is not None and not self.contracts.get(name): return True elif name is not None: newest_bytecode = self.artifacts[name].bytecode return self.contracts[name].check_needs_deployment(newest_bytecode) log.debug("Deployment is not needed") return len(self.contracts_to_deploy()) > 0
[docs] def deploy(self) -> bool: """ Deploy the contracts with magic lol :returns: (:code:`bool`) if deployment succeeded. Fails miserably if it didn't. """ if not self.account: self._init_account() if not self.account: raise DeploymentError("No account available.") if self.account and self.web3.eth.getBalance(self.account) == 0: log.warning("Account has zero balance ({})".format(self.account)) if self.network_id != ( or raise DeploymentError("Connected node is does not match the provided chain ID") self._execute_deploy_scripts() self.refresh() return True
def _init_account(self, account=None, fail_on_error=True): """ Try and figure out what account to use for deployment """ if account is not None: account = self.web3.toChecksumAddress(account) self.account = account return if self.account is not None: return yml = NetworksYML(project_dir=self.project_dir) if yml.use_default_account(self.network_name): self.account = self.metafile.get_default_account() if self.account is not None: return self.account elif fail_on_error: raise DeploymentError( "Account needs to be set for deployment. No default account found." ) return None elif fail_on_error: raise AccountError( "Use of default account on this network is not allowed and no account was" "provided. You may want to set 'use_default_account: true' for this network." ) def _load_user_scripts(self) -> None: """ Load the user deploy scripts from deploy folder as python modules and stash 'em away for later execution. """ log.debug("Loading user deploy scripts...") script_dir = Path(self.deploy_dir) if not script_dir.is_dir(): raise DeploymentError("deploy directory does not appear to be a directory") deploy_scripts = list(script_dir.glob('deploy*.py')) if len(deploy_scripts) > 0: for node in deploy_scripts: log.debug("Executing deploy script {}".format( try: mod = SourceFileLoader([:-3], str(node)).load_module() self._deploy_scripts.append(mod) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: if str(e) == "No module named 'deploy'": raise DeploymentError( "Unable to find deploy module. Missing deploy/" ) else: raise e else: log.warning("No deploy scripts found") def _execute_deploy_scripts(self) -> None: """ Execute the project's deploy scripts """ self._load_user_scripts() available_kwargs: Dict = self._get_script_kwargs() for script in self._deploy_scripts: """ It should be be flexible for users to write their deploy scripts. They can pick and choose what kwargs they want to receive. To handle that, we need to inspect the function to see what they want, then provide what we can. """ spec = inspect.getfullargspec(script.main) script_kwargs = {k: available_kwargs.get(k) for k in spec.args} retval = script.main(**script_kwargs) # If a deploy script choses to return False, they're signalling a failure if retval is False: raise DeploymentError("Deploy script did not complete properly!") def _get_script_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, T]: """ Return the available kwargs to give to user scripts :returns: dict of the kwargs to provide to deployer scripts """ if not self.account: self._init_account() if not self.account: raise DeploymentError("Account not set.") return { 'contracts': self.contracts, 'web3': self.web3, 'deployer_account': self.account, 'network': self.network_name, } def _build_dependency_tree(self, force: bool = True) -> ContractDependencyTree: """ Build a dependency from compiled bin files :param force: (:code:`bool`) Don't rely on cache and reload everything. """ if not force and isinstance(self.deptree, ContractDependencyTree): return self.deptree self.deptree = ContractDependencyTree() for name, comp in self.get_artifacts().items(): # Look for this contract parent, _ = self.deptree.search_tree(name) if parent is None: # Add it as a root dep if not found parent = self.deptree.root.add_dependent(name) # Get the link definitions from the source file defs = bytecode_link_defs(comp.bytecode) if len(defs) > 0: for d_name, _ in defs: parent.add_dependent(d_name) return self.deptree