testing Module

The testing module of Solidbyte.

solidbyte.testing.run_tests(network_name, args=[], web3=None, project_dir=None, account_address=None, keystore_dir=None, gas_report_storage=None)[source]

Run all tests on project

  • network_name – (str) - The name of the network as defined in networks.yml.
  • args – (list) - Arguments to provide to pytest
  • web3 – (web3.Web3) - The Web3 instance to use
  • project_dir – (pathlib.Path) - The project directory (default: pwd)
  • account_address – (str) - Address of the deployer account
  • keystore_dir – (pathlib.Path) - Path to the keystore. (default: ~/.ethereum/keystore)
  • gas_report_storage – (solidbyte.testing.gas.GasReportStorage) - An instance of GasReportStorage to use if making a gas report