Source code for solidbyte.accounts

""" Objects and utility functions for account operations """
import os
import json
from typing import TypeVar, List, Callable, Optional, Dict, Any
from getpass import getpass
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
from attrdict import AttrDict
from eth_account import Account
from web3 import Web3
from web3.exceptions import CannotHandleRequest
from ..common import to_path
from ..common import store
from ..common.exceptions import SolidbyteException, ValidationError, WrongPassword
from ..common.logging import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]def autoload(f: Callable) -> Callable: """ Accounts decorator to utomatically load the accounts before method execution """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # A bit defensive, but make sure this is a decorator of a MetaFile method if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], Accounts): args[0]._load_accounts() return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class Accounts(object): """ Deal with local Ethereum secret store account operations """
[docs] def __init__(self, network_name: str = None, keystore_dir: str = None, web3: Web3 = None) -> None: """ Init Accounts :param network_name: (:code:`str`) - The name of the network as defined in networks.yml. :param keystore_dir: (:class:`pathlib.Path`) - Path to the keystore. (default: :code:`~/.ethereum/keystore`) :param web3: (:class:`web3.Web3`) - The Web3 instance to use """ self.eth_account = Account() self._accounts: List = [] if keystore_dir: self.keystore_dir = to_path(keystore_dir) else: # Try the session store first. if store.defined(store.Keys.KEYSTORE_DIR): self.keystore_dir = to_path(store.get(store.Keys.KEYSTORE_DIR)) else: # Default to the standard loc self.keystore_dir = to_path('~/.ethereum/keystore') log.debug("Keystore directory: {}".format(self.keystore_dir)) if web3: self.web3 = web3 else: log.warning("Accounts initialized without a web3 instance. Some things like gas price " "estimation might be off or not working.") self.web3 = None if not self.keystore_dir.is_dir(): if self.keystore_dir.exists(): log.error("Provided keystore directory is not a directory") raise SolidbyteException("Invalid keystore directory") else: self.keystore_dir.mkdir(mode=0o700, parents=True)
def _read_json_file(self, filename: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read a JSON file and output a python dict :param filename: (:code:`str`) Filename to read in :returns: (:code:`dict`) Python object representing JSON structure of file """ jason: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None with open(filename, 'r') as json_file: try: file_string = jason = json.loads(file_string) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: log.exception("Invalid JSON in the account keystore file {}".format(filename)) raise ValidationError("Invalid or currupt account secret-store file") except Exception as e: log.error("Error reading JSON file {}: {}".format(filename, str(e))) raise e return jason def _write_json_file(self, json_object: dict, filename: str = None) -> None: """ Write a JSON file from a python dict :param json_object: (:code:`dict`) Pythin JSON representation :param filename: (:code:`str`) Path the file to write """ filePath: Optional[Path] = None if filename is not None and type(filename) == str: filePath = Path(filename).expanduser().resolve() if not filePath: filePath = self.keystore_dir.joinpath( 'UTC--{}--{}'.format(, Web3.toChecksumAddress(json_object.get('address')) ) ) with'w') as json_file: try: jason = json.dumps(json_object) json_file.write(jason) except Exception as e: log.error("Error writing JSON file {}: {}".format(filePath, str(e))) raise e def _get_keystore_files(self) -> list: """ Return all filenames of keystore files :returns: (:code:`list`) of Paths in the keystore """ return list(self.keystore_dir.iterdir()) def _load_accounts(self, force: bool = False) -> None: if len(self._accounts) > 1 and not force: return self._accounts = [] for file in self._get_keystore_files(): jason = self._read_json_file(file) if not jason: log.warning("Unable to read JSON from {}".format(file)) else: addr = Web3.toChecksumAddress(jason.get('address')) bal = -1 if self.web3: try: bal = self.web3.fromWei( self.web3.eth.getBalance(self.web3.toChecksumAddress(addr)), 'ether' ) except CannotHandleRequest: pass self._accounts.append(AttrDict({ 'address': addr, 'filename': file, 'balance': bal, 'privkey': None }))
[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """ Load accounts, ignoring cache """ self._load_accounts(True)
@autoload def _get_account_index(self, address: str) -> int: """ Return the list index for the account """ idx = 0 for a in self._accounts: if Web3.toChecksumAddress(a.address) == Web3.toChecksumAddress(address): return idx idx += 1 raise IndexError("account does not exist")
[docs] @autoload def get_account(self, address: str) -> AttrDict: """ Return all the known account addresses :param address: (:code:`str`) Address of account to get :returns: (:class:`attrdict.AttrDict`) of the account """ for a in self._accounts: if Web3.toChecksumAddress(a.address) == Web3.toChecksumAddress(address): return a raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find requested account")
[docs] @autoload def account_known(self, address: str) -> bool: """ Check if an account is known :param address: (:code:`str`) Address of an account to check for """ try: self._get_account_index(address) return True except IndexError: log.debug("Account {} is not locally managed in keystore {}".format( address, self.keystore_dir )) return False
[docs] @autoload def get_accounts(self) -> List[AttrDict]: """ Return all the known account addresses :returns: (:code:`list`) of account addresses """ return self._accounts
accounts = property(get_accounts)
[docs] def set_account_attribute(self, address: str, key: str, val: T) -> None: """ Set an attribute of an account :param address: (:code:`str`) address of account :param key: (:code:`str`) name of the attribute to set :param val: (:code:`T`) new value of the attribute """ idx = self._get_account_index(address) return setattr(self._accounts[idx], key, val)
[docs] def create_account(self, password: str) -> str: """ Create a new account and encrypt it with password :param password: (:code:`str`) Password to use to encrypt the new account :returns: (:code:`str`) address of the new account """ new_account = self.eth_account.create(os.urandom(len(password) * 2)) encrypted_account = Account.encrypt(new_account.key, password) self._write_json_file(encrypted_account) return Web3.toChecksumAddress(new_account.address)
[docs] @autoload def unlock(self, account_address: str, password: str = None) -> bytes: """ Unlock an account keystore file and return the private key :param account_address: (:code:`str`) address of the account to unlock :param password: (:code:`str`) password to use to decrypt the account :returns: (:code:`bytes`) The account's private key if decryption is successful """ log.debug("Unlocking account {}".format(account_address)) account = self.get_account(account_address) if account.privkey is not None: return account.privkey if not password: password = store.get(store.Keys.DECRYPT_PASSPHRASE) if not password: password = getpass("Enter password to decrypt account ({}):".format( account_address )) if password: store.set(store.Keys.DECRYPT_PASSPHRASE, password) jason = self._read_json_file(account.filename) try: privkey = self.eth_account.decrypt(jason, password) except ValueError as err: if 'MAC' in str(err): log.error("Invalid password") raise WrongPassword("Invalid decryption password for {}!".format(account_address)) else: raise err self.set_account_attribute(account_address, 'privkey', privkey) return privkey
[docs] def sign_tx(self, account_address: str, tx: dict, password: str = None) -> str: """ Sign a transaction using the provided account :param account_address: (:code:`str`) address of the account to unlock :param tx: (:code:`dict`) transaction object to sign :param password: (:code:`str`) password to use to decrypt the account :returns: (:code:`str`) transaction hash if successful """ log.debug("Signing tx with account {}".format(account_address)) if not self.web3: raise ValidationError("Unable to sign a transaction without an instantiated Web3 " "object.") """ Do some tx verification and substitution if necessary """ if not tx.get('gasPrice'): # TODO: Allow a default gasPrice to be set in configuration? raise ValidationError("gasPrice is a required field") # This is currently broken in # gasPrice = self.web3.eth.generateGasPrice() # log.warning("Missing gasPrice for transaction. Using automatic price of {}".format( # gasPrice # )) # tx['gasPrice'] = gasPrice if tx.get('nonce') is None: nonce = self.web3.eth.getTransactionCount(tx['from']) tx['nonce'] = nonce privkey = self.unlock(account_address, password) return self.web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, privkey)